TGIF – es ist schon wieder Freitag und der Sommer ist zurück *juhuu* Passend dazu und zur Berliner Fashion Week, die ja auch schon wieder eine Woche hinter uns liegt, schreibe ich heute einen Beitrag über diese supercoolen goldenen Plateausandalen von ZIGN, welche ich mir letztens noch nichtsahnend ausgesucht hatte, um sie zu jeglichen Lieblingssommeroutfits zu kombinieren – wie...
Caterina on tour: Places to be
Hello guys, as you already have seen on my Facebook and Instagram pages I spent the last week with my boyfriend in my “Bella Italia” – and I enjoyed it sooo much. First we scouted Milano – I´m in love with this city – there of course we went shopping (maybe too much… 🙂 ),...
It’s Fashion Week – Time
Hey Guys, at the moment I’m sitting in the train on my way back from an appointment in Munich. This means that I have time to discuss with you the most important topic of the week: Have you visited the Fashion Week in Berlin? Unfortunately I couldn’t – but of course I checked everyday online...
As you know the COACHELLA-festival has already started and I was thinking about showing you my Coachella-related outfit resembling the “Bohemian Style” which is one of my favourite styles and is being worn at Coachella by a lot of stars and models – as Alessandra Ambrosio for example. On this pictures you see my red...