Mein absoluter Frühstücks-Favorit vor dem täglichen Workout ist dieser ALL-IN-ONE-Smoothie!
My absolute breakfast-„star“ is this ALL-IN-ONE-Smoothie!
Das perfekte Frühstück – auch vor dem Workout. It´s the perfect breakfast – also before starting your workout. Hier mein Rezept (Eigenkreation!!) – ich hoffe euch schmeckt´s – Here the recipe (created by my own!!!) – Hope you´ll like it:
-1 little cup of natural yoghurt
-3 small cups of low-fat milk
-50-100g of berries (I took Blueberries, you can use those you like)
-1 banana (mature!!!)
-1/2 apple
-30g of grapes
-20g of quark (curd)
-2 small cups of oatmeal (wholemeal)
+if necessary a bit of sweetener or vanilla whey
–> MIX IT and enjoy! 🙂
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