Schlagwort: autumn

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Enchanted Fall

Enchanted Fall

Mein heutiger Look ist sowohl bequem als auch stylisch. Ich habe mich für einen eher bunten Materialmix entschieden mit dem Fokus auf die grüne Lederhose. Eine Lederhose geht einfach immer und gibt jedem Look etwas Besonderes. Dazu habe ich den cropped Pullover in altrosa mit einem weißen Hemd darunter kombiniert – ich liebe Hemden unter...

Meine Lieblinge im Herbst

Meine Lieblinge im Herbst

Einen wunderschönen Herbstnachmittag wünsche ich euch meine Lieben! Es ist wieder einmal Zeit für eine kleine Vorstellung meiner „Wannahaves“ des Monats. Ich bin mittlerweile ein großer Fan vom Herbst, diese wundervolle Jahreszeit bietet sowohl in der Natur als auch beim Thema Kleidung einfach die schönsten Farben. Wir können mit Bluse, Rock, Pulli und Mantel wundervolle...

Hello Autumn!

Hello Autumn!

Fall is here – but I don´t want to complain as I really like autumn looks! As you know, I shoot a lot of pics only with my iPhone – and I call them „snapshots“. The quality is not always the best, but I do not constantly carry around my big Nikon cam and I like...


Oh wonderful Autumn! – Fall Fashion & Accessories

Hello beauties, Hello autumn! Even if Fall season has begun, we don’t need to be desperate. In my   opinion this time of the year offers a lot of really chic streetstyle   possibilities and amazing colors, so there are many ways to dress up. For example with today´s and the upcoming blogpost I will present 2 different outfits related...

My 10 Cozy Fall Favorites by ESPRIT

My 10 Cozy Fall Favorites by ESPRIT

Good Morning everybody! Time goes by and autumn is already here. Anyway, there is no reason for sadness, because the sun is still shining, nature enchants with it´s most amazing golden shades and I have discovered a lot of beautiful fall trends already and cannot wait to wear them finally. Just imagine taking a walk on a sunny autumn...

Celebrate Thanksgiving and the BLACK FRIDAY with

Celebrate Thanksgiving and the BLACK FRIDAY with

Hey guys, soon we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving and the BLACK FRIDAY, so I´d like to show you following collages I created, which display my wish lists consisting of my personal fall favs from Special autumn pieces are necessary for your Thanksgiving party, so you have to check out now the „HAPPY THANKSGIVING DEAL“ by with it´s offers from...

Autumn Days with

Autumn Days with

Hi everybody, this look is about this cool cropped jeans I got also from Choies. Imagine, you go out for a walk on a cold but sunny autumn day – and you want to feel stylish but comfortable – I think this outfit fits perfect. Wearing cropped jeans combined with a poncho you won´t fail this fall/winter 2014 –...

Ready for fall – with

Ready for fall – with

Good afternoon honeys, as I still not recovered completely from my flu, I used the time sitting at home on my couch to set together a collage with my favorite autumn articles of CHOIES.  As you may remember my post regarding this amazing poncho worn by Olivia Palermo, my eyes started sparkling when I discovered this really...