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Secret spots on the Florida Keys – A hidden „place to be“: The Upper Matecumbe Key

Secret spots on the Florida Keys – A hidden „place to be“: The Upper Matecumbe Key

Due to the fact that my best friend moved to Florida in 2017, of course I had to visit her immediately last Summer. This year I wanted to spend again a few weeks with her, so I traveled to Miami again, focused on exploring places I haven’t seen last year of course. Amongst other things...


Favorite of the Month: Star Pattern Tights

Today I just wanted to show you a new look. Hopefully you will like it. Sometimes it´s difficult to find the right outfit during winter periods – I guess all women know the problem. Nevertheless I had to create a look which is not consisting of my favourite comfy combo UGG boots and jeans. And here it is. It...


Dirndltrend: Beerenfarben*

Es ist bald so weit: Die Wiesn öffnet demnächst ihre Pforten und ich habe mich schon fleißig mit Dirndln eingedeckt. Eigentlich hatte ich für dieses Jahr nicht wirklich viele Oktoberfestbesuche geplant. Als Modebloggerin, die in Bayern lebt, ist es für mich jedoch ein Muss, einige Dirndltrends vorzuführen, bzw. meine Favoriten zu präsentieren. Außerdem ist es...


Future Fashion Design? – Look back to the past!

Today it’s all about future design and which fashion trends we can expect for the upcoming years. Well, I think the secret to success in terms of future fashion design is to fall simply back to the past. We all noticed that each brandnew trend fashion designers brought out the last few years has already...