Schlagwort: Makeup

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Tip of the day: red lips and curly hair

Tip of the day: red lips and curly hair

It´s a special day for you? – Or a new look is desired? – Or you just wanna try something new? You don´t have to change your complete look, spend a lot of money for shopping or go to the hairdresser – I know these days, when you think you need something new and feel completely...

C´s Beauty Favs of the month

C´s Beauty Favs of the month

Diesen Monat kann ich nicht leben ohne…. / This month I cannot live without….     … that fruity-fresh perfumed „Eau Vitaminée Body Milk“ of Biotherm:   …the „even better“ make up of CLINIQUE:   and the „volume4lips“ serum of Dr. Juchheim Cosmetics for beautiful and fuller lips: