It´s a special day for you? – Or a new look is desired? – Or you just wanna try something new? You don´t have to change your complete look, spend a lot of money for shopping or go to the hairdresser – I know these days, when you think you need something new and feel completely...
Schlagwort: redlips
But first… let me take a selfie
Sonntag, 24UTCSun, 24 Aug 2014 16:23:18 +0000 24. August 2014Donnerstag, 28UTCThu, 28 Jun 2018 10:27:23 +0000 28. Juni 2018Beauty, Fashion, Snappedby Caterina Catalano
Hey guys, sometimes „selfies“ are the most inspiring way to choose your daily style Here some pics regarding today´s S&S – SELFIE SUNDAY – enjoy your day ! xo