Schlagwort: street style

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Trend Piece of this season: The Teddy Coat

Hard to explain which tough time I went through until I could hold this teddy coat in my hands finally. I´m sure ya´ll noticed that this plushy item is one of the favourite pieces of this season. And on top it´s even not expensive. It was obvious that this trend piece by H&M would be sold out quickly....

#maximaCOMEPASS: Colours of Life – Dinge, die das Leben schön machen

#maximaCOMEPASS: Colours of Life – Dinge, die das Leben schön machen

Das Jahr 2017 geht langsam aber sicher dem Ende zu, daher habe ich ein ganz spezielles Thema für euch vorbereitet: Colours of Life – was soviel bedeutet wie „die Farben des Lebens“. Diesen Beitrag habe ich in Zusammenhang mit dem #maximaCOMEPASS Blogger Contest verfasst. Ein kleines, farbenfrohes Review über mein ganz persönliches Jahr 2017. Ein Thema welches gerade...

Hello Autumn!

Hello Autumn!

Fall is here – but I don´t want to complain as I really like autumn looks! As you know, I shoot a lot of pics only with my iPhone – and I call them „snapshots“. The quality is not always the best, but I do not constantly carry around my big Nikon cam and I like...

Back to the nineties with Moschino

Back to the nineties with Moschino

Just came back home from a long family day (it was my mom´s birthday) and today I wore my actual favorite jeans together with my latest purchase – the lovely Moschino backpack. Currently I´m addicted to the „patches-on-denim“ trend and felt completely in love with this ZARA-jeans. I felt a bit like recessed to the nineties when...


Oh wonderful Autumn! – Fall Fashion & Accessories

Hello beauties, Hello autumn! Even if Fall season has begun, we don’t need to be desperate. In my   opinion this time of the year offers a lot of really chic streetstyle   possibilities and amazing colors, so there are many ways to dress up. For example with today´s and the upcoming blogpost I will present 2 different outfits related...

Ready for fall – with

Ready for fall – with

Good afternoon honeys, as I still not recovered completely from my flu, I used the time sitting at home on my couch to set together a collage with my favorite autumn articles of CHOIES.  As you may remember my post regarding this amazing poncho worn by Olivia Palermo, my eyes started sparkling when I discovered this really...