Hi from ITALY 🙂 At the moment I´m sitting in a beautiful house in BELLA ITALIA writing my post about this cute black dress by „Sheinside“. Here is my proof that black should´t be worn ONLY in fall and winter periods. Combining it with cool accessories it can be transformed to an elegant summer outfit. The...
Schlagwort: summer
HAPPY EASTER! Tropical feelings with coconut and bronzing powder
Montag, 21UTCMon, 21 Apr 2014 04:35:01 +0000 21. April 2014Donnerstag, 28UTCThu, 28 Jun 2018 10:27:24 +0000 28. Juni 2018Beautyby Caterina Catalano
Happy Easter to y´all! 🙂 What have you found in your easter basket? My little beauty-present to myself to prepare for the upcoming vacation: Frohe Ostern Euch allen! 🙂 Was habt ihr in euren Osternestern gefunden? Hier seht ihr mein kleines Beauty-Geschenk an mich selbst, um mich schon einmal auf den bevorstehenden Urlaub einzustimmen: „my...